I'm unable to create an account

To create a new account, please follow the following steps:

  1. Go to https://www.sgd3d.co.uk/manufacture
  2. Click 'register' on the menubar in the top right hand corner.

  3. Submit your name, company (if applicable), email and desired password. 

  4. You'll receive a confirmation email, make sure to click the link in the email to activate your account otherwise you won't be able to sign in. 

I've registered my details, however I haven't received a confirmation email

  1. Check your spam / other / promotions folder in your mailbox.

  2. If you're still unable to find a confirmation email, go to https://www.sgd3d.co.uk/manufacture and click login. When prompted select 'forgot password?' and we'll send you an email with a link to resend a password which will also confirm your account details. 

I've received an email, but the link isn't working

  1. Open your browser settings.
  2. Select privacy and security. 
  3. Make sure 'block third-party cookies' is unselected.